Monday, July 20, 2020

Donald Trumps Anti-Immigration Campaign, Role of the Media in Literature review

Donald Trump's Anti-Immigration Campaign, Role of the Media in Literature review Donald Trump's Anti-Immigration Campaign, Role of the Media in Promoting the Anti-Immigration Discourse in the USA, Factors Promoting Its Rise â€" Literature review Example > The paper “ Donald Trump’ s Anti-Immigration Campaign, Role of the Media in Promoting the Anti-Immigration Discourse in the USA, Factors Promoting Its Rise”   is a worthy version of a   literature review on social science. First world and second world countries around the world have recently experienced an influx in the number of people seeking either economic or political asylum. Although originally not a problem, the increased immigration rates have prompted various nations to find ways to reduce the number of both economic and political refugees. This Anti-immigration campaign has been witnessed in Europe, Africa, Australia, and the United States. The United States ranks among the countries with the highest immigration rates, with a high population of these immigrants being of Hispanic descent. The high population levels of both legal and illegal Hispanic immigrants in America have resulted in them being the subject of numerous anti-immigration campaigns, especially dur ing the election period, with politicians using the propaganda campaigns as ways to achieve more votes. The US 2016 election year is no different from other election years, as different candidates have employed anti-immigration propaganda as ways to gain nominations with the most prominent being the Republican presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump. A major part of Trump’ s campaign involves the use of anti-immigration propaganda, which includes a promise to construct a wall along the Mexican-American border to prevent the Mexican and immigrants from Latin American countries from coming into the United States. This paper provides an analysis of Trump’ s anti-immigration stance during his presidential campaign; therefore, it acts as an informative piece on how propaganda influences public opinion in an authoritarian society. Literature Review Role of the Media in Promoting the Anti-Immigration Discourse in the USAPropaganda spread through cable television greatly influences the perceptions of people watching them. In the United States, television news networks play a huge role in influencing American perception with respect to Mexican immigrants. Zú ñ iga, Correa, and Valenzuela (2012) conducted an analysis of how two of America's largest cable news networks, FOX, and CNN, influence attitudes towards immigrants especially those of Latin American descent. According to Zú ñ iga, Correa, and Valenzuela (2012), the FOX news network is linked to increased negative perceptions of people of Hispanic descent. FOX news involves minimal mention of Mexican immigrants, with most of the mentions depicting these individuals’ criminals and a burden to society. As a result, the majority of FOX viewers are conservative Republicans who seem to share the same negative attitude against Latin-American immigrants. A more liberal popula tion, who seem to harbor fewer negative attitudes towards Mexican immigrants, on the other hand, watches CNN (Zú ñ iga, Correa, Valenzuela, 2012). According to these findings, the media plays a huge role in promoting propaganda and the attitudes of Americans towards immigrants. Schemer (2012) also investigated the impact of the media on stereotypic perceptions towards Hispanic immigrants, especially during political campaigns. The study results revealed that during political campaigns immigrants are often negatively portrayed in the news; therefore, promoting stereotypical perceptions among citizens. The study, however, explained that less educated people are more likely to be influenced by negative media portrayal as compared to higher educated individuals (Schemer, 2012). As such anti-immigration propaganda spread through the use of mass media is likely to influence the less educated, who make a larger part of the population.